"Books are like your oldest dearest friends. They should be bragged about and introduced to everyone." -The Proprietress
Welcome to the Dog Gone Bookshop!
The bookshop gets its name in homage to our family’s love of our dogs (really any dogs) and books, and the fact that I'm obsessed with both. My particular book interest are middle grade and young adult fiction (and cozy adult mysteries). That’s why the Dog Gone Bookshop is a middle grade and young adult bookstore specializing in high quality pre-read books (well...minus the adult cozy mysteries).
Maybe some day we’ll be a bricks and mortar shop, but we have to think about that. If we were, we'd most definately allow dogs!
About the Founders.
Henri was our Labador Retriever whom we rescued (and vice versa) from our local no-kill shelter. Our vet approximated that Henri was about 3 or 4 years old when he joined our family. He was a joy! Like his parents, he was very well traveled through the United States (the picture of him above is in Savannah, Georgia where he was a hit! and uncomfortably hot!). Henri loved nothing more than being outside (especially in snow) and wandering from home; basking in the sun on the deck; rolling; rubbing his back (one day I counted Henri get up, then fall to his back, rub it in the grass and repeat more than 70 times in a row...I had to stop counting. he proved he could do it forever); eating everything and napping. Of course books! Henri really loved loved. He has since left us physically, but he'll always be in our hearts and a part of this bookstore.
Finni is our 17 year old West Highland Terrier (he'll be 18 soon!) We he came to live with us when he was 5 years old from my mother-in law. He and Henri had an instant repoire when they first met, before Finni came to live with us permanently. Finni too is very well traveled, just as much as Henri...if not a little more so, becasue Finni's been out of the country! Finni loves sun bathing and being outdoors. He loves trees and all their smells, as well as a vibrant run around the block when he has too much energy (which is often). He too loves rubbing his back in the grass (which he learned from Henri!); Fall, naps; and everyone else's food, meat specifically. Of course books!!
I'm the proprietress. I've love books (since I was a little girl); libraries (worked in one in college and law school); botany and gardening; and dogs. I think they are the greatest animals on earth!
Why do we only sell pre-read books? First, pre-read books are like good old friends, they should always be shared with others. Second, it's eco-conscious. We shouldn't just be discarding prefectly good books in our world's massive trash heaps just becasue they are not the latest thing on the market. Third, it's anti-capitalistic and economical (see reason two). Fourth, what bibliofile in good conscious would preclude certain books because of age, throw out a book, and not re-read books. None I tell you! Despite of and becasue are books are pre-read, I take great pains in making sure they are in amazing condition.
In fact, in one of our pop-ups, a customer commented, "These are used books!?" That's how good they are!
Please take a look around and make sure to visit The Reading Room (our blog) where I talk all things books! Come back regularly, because the inventory and the Reading Room are updated often. If you're worried about missing anything, and want some behind the scenes pics and more, make sure to subscribe to our newsletter.
Thank you for visiting!
Happily the proprietress,